URL Optimization: Customizing WordPress Blog URL

Optimize your blog’s URL structure in WordPress

Section 1: Introduction

1. The Power of URLs: A Key to SEO Success 🔑

In the vast digital landscape, your blog’s URL is like a signpost, guiding search engines and users to your content. Optimizing your URLs is crucial for both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and user experience. It’s like giving your blog a clear and concise address that’s easy to remember and navigate.

Just think about it: if your URL is a jumble of random characters and numbers, it’s like trying to find a hidden treasure in a maze. But with a well-structured URL, you’re making it easy for both search engines and visitors to find your content. It’s like leaving a breadcrumb trail that leads straight to your blog’s front door.

How to WordPress blog URL

© Photographer Artem Podrez

Understanding WordPress URL Structure 🌐

WordPress URLs are like the addresses of your blog posts, telling search engines and users where to find them. Understanding the structure is crucial for optimizing your blog’s visibility. 💡

The default WordPress URL structure looks like this:


This URL consists of several components:

  • Domain: www.yourdomain.com is your website’s unique address.
  • Protocol: https indicates that your site uses a secure connection.
  • Subdirectory: /2023/03/08/ represents the date the post was published.
  • Slug: /sample-post/ is the unique part of the URL that identifies the specific post.

Selecting the right permalink structure is crucial for SEO and user experience. WordPress offers several options:

  • Plain: The simplest option, displaying the post’s ID in the URL. It’s not SEO-friendly.

  • Day and name: Includes the post’s publish date and name in the URL. It provides some context but can be lengthy.

  • Month and name: Similar to “Day and name,” but uses the month instead of the day. It offers a broader context but can still be long.

  • Post name: The most SEO-friendly option, using only the post’s name in the URL. It’s short, descriptive, and easy to remember.

  • Custom structure: Allows you to create a custom URL structure using tags like %postid%, %postname%, and %category%. It offers flexibility but requires careful planning.

The optimal choice depends on your specific needs. For SEO and user experience, “Post name” is generally recommended. It’s short, descriptive, and search engine-friendly.

SECTION FOUR: Customizing URLs with Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

4. Embracing Custom Post Types and Taxonomies for URL Customization

WordPress offers a fantastic feature called custom post types and taxonomies, allowing you to create unique content types and categorize them. This opens up a world of possibilities for URL customization. For instance, instead of having URLs like “yourwebsite.com/category/news/article-title,” you can create a custom post type called “News” and have URLs like “yourwebsite.com/news/article-title.” This not only enhances the URL’s relevance but also improves its readability for both users and search engines.

Think of it like a chef creating a new dish. By using custom post types and taxonomies, you’re not limited to the default “posts” and “categories.” You can create specialized content types like “Recipes,” “Products,” or “Events,” and then organize them with taxonomies like “Cuisine,” “Category,” or “Date.” This gives you the flexibility to craft URLs that are both informative and SEO-friendly.

Removing Stop Words from URLs

Stop words are common words like “the,” “and,” and “of” that don’t add much value to a URL. Removing them can make your URLs shorter and easier to read. 🔎

Imagine you’re writing a blog post about “The Best Tips for Writing Great Blog Posts.” Instead of using the default URL like “example.com/blog/the-best-tips-for-writing-great-blog-posts,” you could remove the stop words and create a more concise URL like “example.com/blog/best-tips-writing-great-blog-posts.”

How to Remove Stop Words

There are a few ways to remove stop words from URLs in WordPress:

  • Use a plugin: There are several plugins available that can automatically remove stop words from your URLs.
  • Use a code snippet: You can also add a code snippet to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file to remove stop words.
  • Manually edit your URLs: If you only have a few URLs to change, you can manually edit them in the WordPress admin panel.

Section Six: Creating Short and Descriptive URLs 📝

URLs are like the street addresses of your website. They tell people how to find your content, so it’s important to make them easy to remember and understand.

Short and descriptive URLs are the best way to go. They’re easier to type, remember, and share. Plus, they give users a better idea of what your page is about before they even click on it.

Here are some tips for creating effective slugs:

  • Keep it short: Aim for 5-7 words or less.
  • Use keywords: Include relevant keywords to help people find your page.
  • Be descriptive: Give users a clear idea of what your page is about.
  • Avoid stop words: Words like “the,” “a,” and “of” don’t add much value to your URL.
  • Use hyphens: Hyphens make your URL easier to read and understand.

For example, instead of using a URL like this:


You could use a more descriptive URL like this:


This URL is shorter, more descriptive, and includes relevant keywords. It’s also easier to remember and share.

Section Seven: Using Redirects for URL Changes 💡

7. Redirects: Smooth Transitions for URL Updates 🔄

When you make changes to your blog’s URLs, it’s crucial to ensure that users and search engines can still access the updated content. Redirects come to the rescue here, acting as traffic controllers, seamlessly guiding visitors to the new destination.

Imagine a busy intersection where a road closure forces drivers to take a detour. Just like that, redirects redirect users from the old URL to the new one, maintaining a smooth flow of traffic. They’re especially handy when you change the URL structure, merge pages, or remove outdated content.

Setting up redirects in WordPress is a breeze. You can use plugins like “Redirection” or add code snippets to your .htaccess file. Just remember, redirects should be used sparingly to avoid confusing users and negatively impacting SEO.

Remember, URL optimization is an ongoing journey, not a one-time fix. By embracing redirects, you can navigate URL changes with confidence, ensuring that your blog remains accessible, user-friendly, and search engine-friendly.

Optimizing for Mobile Devices

8. Mobile-Friendly URLs: A Must in Today’s Mobile World 📱

In this era of smartphones and tablets, it’s crucial to ensure your URLs are mobile-friendly. Think about it: if your URL is a jumbled mess on a tiny screen, users will bounce faster than a ping-pong ball.

To make your URLs mobile-friendly, keep them short, sweet, and descriptive. Avoid using long, complex slugs that are hard to read and type. Instead, opt for concise, easy-to-understand phrases that accurately reflect the content of your post.

Here’s a quick tip: use dashes (-) to separate words in your slugs. This makes them easier to read and understand, especially on mobile devices.

By following these best practices, you’ll create URLs that are not only search engine-friendly but also user-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience for visitors on any device.

Troubleshooting URL Issues 🔧

9. Common URL Errors in WordPress

WordPress URLs can sometimes run into hiccups, leaving you with frustrating error messages. Here are some of the most common culprits:

  • 404 Not Found: This error occurs when WordPress can’t find the page you’re trying to access. It’s like a lost puppy looking for its home!
  • 301 Moved Permanently: This error means the page you’re looking for has been moved to a new location. Think of it as a friendly redirect, guiding you to the right spot.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: This error indicates a problem on WordPress’s end. It’s like a grumpy robot that’s refusing to cooperate!
  • 403 Forbidden: This error means you don’t have permission to access the page. It’s like a bouncer guarding the door, telling you, “Sorry, you’re not on the guest list!”


10. Reap the Rewards of URL Optimization

Optimizing your blog’s URLs is like giving your website a fresh coat of paint. It enhances its appearance, making it more attractive to both search engines and visitors. By implementing the tips outlined in this guide, you’ll unlock a treasure chest of benefits:

  • Improved SEO: Search engines love well-structured URLs that are easy to index. By customizing your URLs, you’ll give your website a competitive edge in search results.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Clear and descriptive URLs make it easier for visitors to navigate your website and find the content they’re seeking. It’s like providing a roadmap to your digital domain.
  • Increased Traffic: Optimized URLs are more likely to be shared on social media and other online platforms, boosting your website’s visibility and traffic.
  • Professional Image: A well-structured URL reflects a professional and organized website. It conveys a sense of credibility and trustworthiness, making visitors more likely to engage with your content.

So, don’t hesitate to embark on this URL optimization journey. It’s a small investment that will yield significant returns for your blog’s success. Remember, every step you take towards optimizing your URLs is a step towards a brighter and more prosperous digital future.

About David Damstra

Business Leader and Business Developer, Project Manager and Full Stack Developer & Designer Creative Director, Brand Guardian, Minister of Company Culture Co-Author of Professional WordPress. Currently in Third Edition. Seasoned web developer using practical technology to rapidly create standards compliant dynamic websites. Experienced with web development, software development and systems and network management and consulting.