Content Creation: Posting on WordPress Blog

Publish engaging content on your WordPress blog


Hey there, blogging enthusiasts! 🤘 Ready to unleash your inner wordsmith on the WordPress blogosphere? This guide is your secret weapon to crafting captivating content that will make your blog shine brighter than a star. ✨

Benefits of WordPress for Blogging

WordPress is like the Swiss Army knife of blogging platforms. It’s versatile, user-friendly, and packed with features that make creating and managing your blog a breeze. With WordPress, you can:

  • Customize your blog to match your unique style
  • Easily add text, images, and videos to your posts
  • Optimize your content for search engines to reach a wider audience
  • Connect with your readers through comments and social media integration

So, let’s dive right in and conquer the art of posting on WordPress! 🎯

How to post on WordPress blog

© Photographer Adrienne Andersen

Logging In and Accessing the Dashboard

2. Step-by-Step Guide

Unlock the door to your WordPress dashboard with these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the login page: Visit your website’s URL and add “/wp-admin” to the end.
  2. Enter your credentials: Input your username and password.
  3. Hit the “Log In” button: Welcome to your dashboard, the command center of your blog! 🔑

Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so we’ve included screenshots to guide you visually. Just like a map leads you to a destination, these screenshots will lead you to your dashboard with ease.

Creating a New Post

3. Post Types and Their Uses

WordPress offers a variety of post types to cater to different content needs. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Post: The standard post type for blog entries, news articles, and general content.
  • Page: For static content that doesn’t change frequently, such as an “About Us” page or a product description.
  • Media: For uploading and managing images, videos, and audio files.
  • Attachment: A special post type that’s automatically created when you upload a file to a post or page.
  • Revision: A record of previous versions of a post or page, allowing you to revert to earlier drafts if needed.

Adding Content

4. Using Headings, Lists, and Blockquotes

WordPress makes it easy to add depth and structure to your posts using headings, lists, and blockquotes. 💡

Headings help break up your content into logical sections, making it easier for readers to skim and find the information they’re looking for. 📝

Lists are a great way to present information in a clear and concise way. 🛒 They can be used for everything from listing ingredients to outlining steps in a process.

Blockquotes are perfect for highlighting important quotes or setting off sections of text that you want to emphasize. 💬

By using these formatting tools, you can create posts that are both engaging and easy to read. 📖

5. Optimizing for SEO 📈

“Content is king, but SEO is the queen.” 👑 When it comes to blogging, optimizing your posts for search engines is crucial for getting your content seen by the right people. Here’s how:

  • Keywords: Sprinkle relevant keywords throughout your post, especially in the title, headings, and meta description. Think of keywords as the search terms people use to find your content.
  • Meta Descriptions: Write a compelling meta description that summarizes your post and entices readers to click. It’s like a movie trailer for your blog post!
  • Alt Tags: Give your images descriptive alt tags that explain what they’re about. This helps search engines understand your content and makes your posts more accessible to visually impaired readers.

Adding Categories and Tags 🏷️

When you’re organizing your blog posts, categories and tags are your best friends. Think of categories as the main sections of your blog, like “Travel,” “Food,” or “DIY.” Tags, on the other hand, are more specific keywords that help people find your posts when they search for something.

For example, if you’re writing a post about your trip to Paris, you might use the category “Travel” and tags like “Paris,” “France,” and “Eiffel Tower.” This way, people who are interested in Paris can easily find your post, even if they don’t know your blog’s name.

Adding categories and tags is super easy. When you’re creating or editing a post, just scroll down to the “Categories” and “Tags” sections and start typing. You can create new categories and tags as you go, or choose from existing ones.

So, don’t be afraid to use categories and tags to keep your blog organized and make it easier for people to find your content. It’s like giving your readers a map to your blog’s hidden treasures! 🗺️

Previewing and Publishing

7. Hit the Publish Button with Confidence

Once you’re happy with your post, it’s time to share it with the world! Click the “Publish” button and watch your masterpiece go live. 💥

But hold your horses! Before you hit that button, take a deep breath and double-check everything. Make sure your post is well-written, error-free, and optimized for SEO. Remember, once it’s published, it’s out there for the whole world to see.

Think of it like sending a rocket into space. You’ve spent hours building and testing it, and now it’s time for the big launch. So, take your time, double-check your work, and then hit that “Publish” button with confidence. 🚀

Scheduling Posts 🗓️

Scheduling posts is a lifesaver for busy bloggers who want to stay ahead of the game. It allows you to plan your content in advance and ensure that your blog is regularly updated, even when you’re short on time.

Scheduling posts is super easy. Simply write your post as usual, then click on the “Publish” button. In the dropdown menu, select “Schedule” and choose the date and time you want your post to go live. Voila! Your post will be published automatically, without you having to lift a finger.

There are several benefits to scheduling posts. First, it helps you stay organized and on top of your blogging schedule. Second, it allows you to take advantage of peak traffic times, so your posts are more likely to be seen by your readers. Third, it gives you peace of mind, knowing that your blog is being updated regularly, even when you’re on vacation or feeling under the weather.

So, if you’re looking for a way to streamline your blogging workflow and save yourself some time, start scheduling your posts today!

Editing and Updating Posts 📝

Making Changes with Ease 🛠️

Whether you’ve spotted a typo or want to refresh your content, editing and updating posts in WordPress is a breeze. Just click on the “Edit” link below the post title, and you’ll be taken to the post editor. Here, you can make changes to the content, images, and even the SEO settings.

Tip: Don’t forget to “Update” your post after you’ve made your changes. 💡


A Journey of a Thousand Words

“A blog is like a garden,” I often say. “You plant seeds of ideas, water them with words, and watch them grow into a beautiful tapestry of expression.”

As you embark on this blogging adventure, remember that the process is as important as the product. Take the time to craft each post with care, optimize it for success, and share it with the world.

WordPress is a powerful tool that can help you amplify your voice and connect with an audience that resonates with your message. So, go forth, create, and inspire!

Tips for Success

  • Be consistent: Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and eager for more.
  • Promote your blog: Share your posts on social media, email newsletters, and other platforms.
  • Engage with your readers: Respond to comments, ask questions, and foster a sense of community.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment: Try different post formats, topics, and styles to find what works best for you.
  • Have fun: Blogging should be an enjoyable experience. If you’re not having fun, it will show in your writing.

About David Damstra

Business Leader and Business Developer, Project Manager and Full Stack Developer & Designer Creative Director, Brand Guardian, Minister of Company Culture Co-Author of Professional WordPress. Currently in Third Edition. Seasoned web developer using practical technology to rapidly create standards compliant dynamic websites. Experienced with web development, software development and systems and network management and consulting.