Customize Your Site: Editing Footer in WordPress

Personalize your WordPress website’s footer

Section 1: Introduction

Imagine your website’s footer as the grand finale of a captivating performance. It’s the last impression you leave on your audience, the final opportunity to make a lasting impact. A well-crafted footer can enhance your site’s professionalism, guide visitors, and even boost conversions.

Customizing your footer is like giving your website a signature touch, making it stand out from the crowd. It’s your chance to showcase your brand’s personality, provide essential information, and create a seamless user experience. Whether you want to add social media links, display contact details, or promote special offers, the footer is your canvas to paint your website’s unique story.

How to edit footer on WordPress

© Photographer Vlada Karpovich

Section Two: Accessing the Footer Editor

To begin editing your footer, you’ll need to access the Widgets menu. It’s like the control panel for your website’s footer. To get there, simply navigate to the Appearance tab in your WordPress dashboard and click on “Widgets.”

Once you’re in the Widgets menu, you’ll see a section called “Footer Widgets.” This is where you can add, remove, and customize the widgets that appear in your footer. Think of it as your canvas for creating the perfect footer design.

Step 3: Customizing Widget Settings and Content

Once you’ve added a widget to your footer, you can customize its settings and content to match your needs. Click on the widget’s title to open its settings panel. Here, you can edit the widget’s title, description, and other options. You can also add custom content to the widget, such as text, images, or links.

For example, if you’ve added a “Recent Posts” widget to your footer, you can customize the number of posts to display, the post title format, and the post date format. You can also choose to display featured images or excerpts from the posts. By customizing the widget’s settings, you can create a footer that is both informative and visually appealing.

Removing unwanted widgets from your footer is a breeze! Just like adding widgets, it’s a simple drag-and-drop affair. Hover over the widget you want to bid farewell to, and you’ll see a handy “Remove” link appear. Click on it, and the widget will vanish like a disappearing act. It’s that easy!

Identifying Widgets to Remove 🔎

Not sure which widgets to remove? Take a close look at your footer and consider which ones are unnecessary or redundant. Maybe you have multiple social media icons or contact information widgets. Remember, the goal is to create a concise and informative footer, so remove anything that doesn’t contribute to that.

Editing Widget Content 📝

Editing widget content is like giving your website’s footer a makeover! 💄 You can change the text, images, and other elements to make it match your style and brand. To edit a widget, simply click on its title and you’ll be taken to the editing screen. Here, you can tweak the settings and content to your heart’s desire.

For example, if you want to change the text in the “About Us” widget, just click on the text field and start typing. You can also add images by clicking on the “Add Media” button. And if you want to remove an element, just click on the “Delete” button. It’s that easy!

Customizing Widget Appearance 🎨

6. Changing Widget Colors and Styles 🎨

“Let your footer dance with vibrant hues and stylish accents!”

Just like a painter’s palette, you can customize the colors and styles of your footer widgets to match your website’s unique personality. Click on the “Appearance” tab within a widget to unleash a world of customization options.

Change the title and description colors to make them pop or blend seamlessly with your footer design. Adjust the font size, style, and weight to create a visually appealing hierarchy. And don’t forget to experiment with background colors and border styles to add depth and dimension to your footer.

Remember, the footer is a prime spot to showcase your brand’s identity. By customizing the appearance of your footer widgets, you can create a cohesive and visually stunning experience that leaves a lasting impression on your visitors.

Creating Custom Widgets 💡

Unleash Your Imagination with Custom HTML

“Unlock the true potential of your WordPress footer by creating custom widgets!” 💻

The Custom HTML widget is your gateway to unleashing your creativity and adding unique elements to your footer. With just a few lines of code, you can craft custom widgets that perfectly align with your website’s style and functionality.

Imagine adding a dynamic countdown timer to create a sense of urgency, or displaying a rotating gallery of your latest blog posts to keep visitors engaged. The possibilities are endless!

<div class="custom-widget">
  <h1>Custom Widget Title</h1>
  <p>Custom Widget Content</p>

By adding this code to the Custom HTML widget, you can create a simple yet effective custom widget. You can further customize the content, style, and behavior of your widgets using CSS and JavaScript.

So, dive into the world of custom widgets and let your imagination soar. Transform your WordPress footer into a truly personalized and engaging experience! 🌐


WordPress plugins are like turbochargers for your footer customization journey! They unlock a whole new world of possibilities, allowing you to add advanced features and designs that would otherwise be impossible. From social media integration to custom menus and contact forms, plugins give you the power to create a footer that’s as unique as your website.

Just like a toolbox has different tools for different jobs, there’s a wide range of plugins tailored to specific footer needs. Some popular options include:

  • Footer Widgets: This plugin lets you create custom widgets and add them to your footer, giving you complete control over the layout and content.
  • Custom Footer: With this plugin, you can design a custom footer from scratch using HTML and CSS. It’s perfect for those who want to unleash their inner coding wizardry!
  • Footer Menu: This plugin allows you to add a custom menu to your footer, making it easy for visitors to navigate your site.

Installing a plugin is a breeze. Simply go to the WordPress plugin directory, search for the plugin you want, and click “Install Now.” Once it’s installed, activate it and you’re ready to start customizing!

Before you unveil your masterpiece to the world, it’s time to preview and publish your footer changes. Just like a chef tasting their dish before serving it, you can use the Live Preview feature to see how your footer will look in real-time. It’s like a sneak peek into the future of your website!

Once you’re satisfied with your creation, it’s time to hit the “Publish” button and make those changes live. It’s like pressing the “go” button on a rocket, sending your footer soaring into the digital stratosphere. Your website visitors will now be greeted with your personalized footer, leaving a lasting impression that says, “This website was made with love and attention to detail.”

When customizing your footer, you might encounter some hiccups along the way. Don’t worry, it’s like trying to bake a perfect cake – there’s always a solution! Here are some common issues and how to fix them:

  • Widget not displaying: Check if the widget is active and visible in the Footer Widgets section. If not, activate it and drag it into the desired position.
  • Content not updating: Clear your browser cache and refresh the page. Sometimes, outdated files can prevent changes from appearing.
  • Footer not responsive: Ensure that your widgets are responsive and adjust their layout for different screen sizes. Use plugins or custom CSS to optimize their appearance.
  • Plugin conflicts: If you’re using multiple plugins, deactivate them one at a time to identify any conflicts. Incompatible plugins can cause unexpected issues.
  • Need more help? Don’t hesitate to reach out to WordPress support forums, documentation, or hire a web developer for professional assistance. Remember, every problem has a solution, just like finding the perfect frosting for your cake! 🍰

About David Damstra

Business Leader and Business Developer, Project Manager and Full Stack Developer & Designer Creative Director, Brand Guardian, Minister of Company Culture Co-Author of Professional WordPress. Currently in Third Edition. Seasoned web developer using practical technology to rapidly create standards compliant dynamic websites. Experienced with web development, software development and systems and network management and consulting.