Say Goodbye: Deleting a WordPress Site

Steps to remove unwanted sites from WordPress


👋 Hey there, WordPress whiz! Ever had a WordPress site that’s become a digital ghost town? Maybe it’s outdated, abandoned, or simply causing you security headaches? Well, it’s time to bid farewell and delete that site for good! đŸ§č

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process to erase your WordPress site from the digital realm. So, grab a cup of coffee, put on your deletion hat, and let’s get started! â˜•đŸŽ©

How to delete a site on WordPress

© Photographer Federico Orlandi

Reasons for Deleting a WordPress Site

2. Outdated or Abandoned

If your WordPress site has become outdated or abandoned, it’s time to let it go. đŸ‘» An outdated site can be a security risk, as it may not have the latest security patches. An abandoned site is simply a waste of space and resources. It’s like keeping an old, broken-down car in your garage. Why not get rid of it and make room for something new and shiny?

Here’s a table summarizing the reasons why you might want to delete an outdated or abandoned WordPress site:

Reason Description
Security risk Outdated sites may not have the latest security patches, making them vulnerable to hackers.
Waste of space and resources Abandoned sites take up space on your server and use up resources that could be used for other purposes.
Bad for your reputation An outdated or abandoned site can reflect poorly on your business or organization.


3. Administrative Access to Your WordPress Dashboard

Before you can delete your WordPress site, you’ll need to have administrative access to the WordPress dashboard. This means you’ll need to know the username and password of an administrator account. If you don’t have administrative access, you won’t be able to delete your site.

Tip: If you’ve lost your administrator password, you can reset it by clicking on the “Lost your password?” link on the WordPress login page. You’ll need to enter the email address associated with your account, and WordPress will send you a link to reset your password.

Step 4: Delete the WordPress Site

4. Execute the Deletion

Now, it’s time to say farewell to your WordPress site. Navigate to the “Tools” section in your dashboard and select “Delete Site.” This action will permanently remove your site from the WordPress servers.

Before you hit the “Delete” button, take a deep breath and double-check that you’ve followed all the previous steps. Once you click that button, there’s no going back!

Remember, deletion is a one-way street. Your site, along with all its content and settings, will vanish into the digital void. So, if you have any doubts or regrets, now’s the time to pause and reconsider.

Step 5: Delete the Database đŸ—‘ïž

The WordPress database is the heart of your site, storing all your content, settings, and user information. Deleting it is the final step in the process, so proceed with caution.

Caution! Once you delete the database, all your site’s data will be gone forever. Make sure you have a backup before you proceed.

To delete the database, you’ll need to access your hosting account’s control panel. Look for the section that manages databases, and find the one associated with your WordPress site. Select it and click the “Delete” button.

Remember, this is a point of no return. Once you click that button, your database and all the data it contains will be wiped clean. So, double-check that you’ve backed up your site before you take this step.

Step 6: Remove WordPress Files đŸ—‘ïž

Once you’ve taken care of the database, it’s time to bid farewell to those WordPress files. They’re like the physical remnants of your site, so let’s give them a proper send-off.

To do this, you’ll need to access your server using FTP or a file manager. It’s like entering a digital attic, filled with folders and files. Navigate to the root directory where your WordPress files reside.

Now, here’s the crucial part: select all the WordPress files and folders and hit the “Delete” button. It’s like giving your site a digital dustbin moment. Remember, this step is irreversible, so make sure you’ve backed everything up before you press that button.

Once the files are gone, your WordPress site will be completely erased from the server. It’s like hitting the “reset” button on your digital presence.

Step 4: Delete the WordPress Site

7. Click the “Delete” Button

“With a heavy heart, you’ve reached the final step: deleting your WordPress site. It’s like saying goodbye to an old friend. But don’t worry, we’ll guide you through it.”

  1. Navigate to the “Tools” Menu: From your WordPress dashboard, click on the “Tools” menu.

  2. Select “Delete Site”: Under the “Tools” menu, find the “Delete Site” option and click on it.

  3. Confirm Deletion: WordPress will ask you to confirm that you want to delete your site. Take a deep breath and click on the “Delete Site” button.

  4. Site Deleted: Your WordPress site will now be deleted. You’ll see a confirmation message on the screen.

“Remember, once you click that button, your site is gone forever. So, make sure you’ve backed up and exported everything you need before taking this final step.”

Step 5: Delete the Database đŸ’„

When it comes to deleting a WordPress site, the database is like the brain of the operation. Without it, your site is essentially a lifeless body. So, it’s crucial to delete the database to ensure your site is completely gone.

To do this, you’ll need to access your hosting account’s control panel. Once there, look for the “Databases” section and select the database associated with your WordPress site. Then, click the “Delete” button and confirm your choice.

Remember, deleting the database is a permanent action. Once it’s gone, there’s no going back. So, make sure you’re absolutely certain before you do this.

9. Step 6: Remove WordPress Files đŸ§č

Once you’ve backed up your data and deleted the database, it’s time to bid farewell to the WordPress files. These files are like the building blocks of your website, so removing them is the final step in erasing your site from the digital world.

To do this, you’ll need to access your website’s files via FTP or a file manager. Once you’re in, simply locate the WordPress directory and delete it. It’s like cleaning out your closet—once you’ve removed the clothes you don’t wear, you can finally say goodbye to the clutter!

Remember, this step is irreversible, so make sure you’re absolutely certain you want to delete your site before you do it.


10. Closure and Farewell

“When one door closes, another one opens.” 😊 This adage rings true when it comes to deleting a WordPress site. While it may seem like a daunting task, following the steps outlined in this guide will make the process smooth and hassle-free.

Remember, deleting a site is not just about removing it from your dashboard; it’s about ensuring that all your valuable content is preserved. That’s why backing up and exporting your content is crucial. It’s like packing up your belongings before moving to a new home. You wouldn’t want to leave anything behind!

By following these steps, you can bid farewell to your unwanted WordPress site with confidence. Just like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, the deletion process paves the way for new beginnings and fresh possibilities. So, embrace the change and let go of what no longer serves you.

About David Damstra

Business Leader and Business Developer, Project Manager and Full Stack Developer & Designer Creative Director, Brand Guardian, Minister of Company Culture Co-Author of Professional WordPress. Currently in Third Edition. Seasoned web developer using practical technology to rapidly create standards compliant dynamic websites. Experienced with web development, software development and systems and network management and consulting.